Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The beginning of the journey

Throughout the last 8 months I have taken the journey from my head to my heart. The beliefs that I had of I should not, I could not and I was incapable and useless were replaced with I am fearless, I am brave, I have greatness and I am capable. While this is only eighteen inches in reality, you may feel you are on a long journey that will never end, but rest assured, it will change your life forever. In fact, it is on this journey that you will discover how to truly live as I did , how to be fearless, to find your greatness, to discover all you are and what you are capable of. While it can be intimidating at first if you take this step you will be transformed. What is stopping you? What is the fear? I encourage you to be fearless, to take the first step to will see, your greatness will come through and you will learn to be brave.


  1. Wheee! Look at you! A Blogger! Can't wait to see where this takes you, my friend.

  2. Oh.My.Gosh. I'm so proud of you!

  3. Laurie, an amazing step into your journey of greatness. Can't wait for more blogs from the heart.
