Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Recognizing Greatness

I wrote earlier about the commercials on greatness during the Olympics and here I am again as I cannot get one phrase out of mind mind and have been pondering it for several days.  The phrase is as follows, "GREATNESS is no more unique to us than breathing, we are all capable of it, ALL of us."  Think about this for a moment.  We all breathe in and out each day without even thinking about it, we do not have to tell ourselves to do this is is a natural reflex to stay alive.  Yet, we have to convince ourselves of the greatness that we are all born with.  We downplay our accomplishments (I am guilty of this). We allow life to get in the way of acheiving all we are capable of and look at others and say to ourselves about their acheivements, that they are special, they have more talent, but in reality, we have the same amount of specialness and talent as the next person.

I belong to on online workout group.  It was started as a challenge to motivate each other to work out and to be healthy, but what has happenened is far more than that, as part of what we do is post something amazing about ourselves each day.  This is a group of people, most who have never met each other cheering each other on and pouring out encouragement, belief in acheivements and goals.  This is GREATNESS! We not only recognize it in ourselves each day (sometimes this is harder than the workout we do), but we recognize it in others.  What is sad about our society today is that we do not recognize the day in and day out accomplishments of others.  We are good at noticing the big acheivements, but what about the daily effort we all put forth.  The breathing in and out if you will.  For some, and I have been here, the biggest thing they do that day will be to get out of bed and face the world fearlessly.  In addition, how about recognizing what you do each day to acheive greatness.  This is not being boastful, but rather accepting and believing in what you are capable of each day of accepting and acknowledging your greatness.

We all have something to offer not only to ourselves but to others each day.  How will you show and accept the greatness in you, and how will you reflect another's greatness back to them?  Do not even think about it, just do it in the same way that you breathe each day, effortlessly.  This is not an intellectual function.  What you say and do will not come from your head, but from your heart, your inner most being.  Follow your heart and the rest will follow. YOU HAVE GREATNESS!  Believe it, I do.


  1. You're getting SO good at this! I cannot ever imagine you NOT blogging now!

    1. Thanks so much I am having fun and also learning along the way! So glad you like it!
