Sunday, November 3, 2013

Touching Hearts With Greatness

As you take a journey to wholeness and discovering your greatness there are many diversions along the way. You get to one milepost and think to yourself, yes, I have made it, only to see there are many more mileposts ahead in the distance.  You are going along great for a while, and then hit a bump in the road and start to question, have I really done anything at all, only to dig deep and see that what is in your heart is larger and more powerful than what is in your head.  So with this knowledge and belief you keep going, knowing that this is a journey and not a destination.  You daily choose to see greatness, to filter life through your heart, to stay true to yourself and all you know, to carry on and live the best life you possibly can armed with the knowledge of who you truly are in your greatness. All this is done with a conscious decision on your own with no input from others, but what happens when people are added to the mix and you discover the decision you made to make the journey has an impact on others, what happens next?

I have recently been involved with a person that my life, my journey hit a chord of hope in them that life can be different.  That there is hope, that there is greatness and a life that is amazing is possible.  The impact my life had on this person hit me straight to the heart when they wrote to me the following...

"You never knew while going through your challenges that you would save an African American young woman from being shipwrecked.  By being your strong resilient self you would give me hope.  By being your brave warrior self you would give me someone to look up to.  By not allowing yourself to be broken by your challenges and not taking your life, you would save mine."

As I read this again my heart is overwhelmed that my decision to change my life would someday have such a huge impact on another.  But in reality, isn't that what greatness is all about?  That as we make a journey to discover who we are with the greatness that we were born with that we can in some way touch the life of another.  That we can make a heart to heart connection with others and that they too can discover what greatness is all about?

So it is with this resolve that I write that even though I may have a long way still to go on this journey and that each day I am discovering new areas in which I have to grow and learn that I will choose to live a life that makes a difference.  That I will face each day fearlessly knowing that I have greatness and it is this greatness that is to be shared with others.  I can do this, I have the courage, strength and ability within my heart to live this life.  I will choose people to be in my life that will challenge me to keep growing, to keep learning and I will also choose people that believe in me and will come along side me in this journey.

Living a life of hope, of courage with fearlessness is an amazing, challenging way to live.  However, when you see that your choice to live this life may also lead another to want it, every tear, every hard place, every challenge is worth it as you help someone else discover how to make the 18 inch journey into their heart.