Sunday, August 4, 2013

Greatness - We All Have It

Greatness...this is a theme that I have talked about a lot since I started this blog.  When you hear someone use the word greatness and that they have greatness you at first may think, wow what an ego!  But the truth of the matter is that WE ALL have greatness and just haven't recognized it within ourselves!

When I was first told that I had greatness my response was yeah right...I did not believe it as this was a foreign concept to me.  It took a while for me to understand that the greatness in me was not based on my belief on whether I thought it was true or not, it was just in me and had always been.  As time went on and I was learning to live from my heart and would make decisions from the heart I it was pointed out to me that I was in my greatness.  It was reinforced regularly and soon I began to understand and accept my greatness, what a freeing moment!  I think that the comment that was said to me that hit home the most is when I recognized greatness in my friend and she said back to me "you cannot see in someone else what you do not already posess yourself." 

Think about this...the greatness you see in another is what you already possess!  Here I was letting my friend know how much I appreciated her and what I had learned from her, and how awesome it was and how it had touched my life, her encouragement, her patience, her never-ending belief in me, her consistent guiding me to my heart, her fearlessness in not giving up on me, her engagement in our conversations, her boldness in speaking the truth to me...and as I told her these things she said to me, "you only see these things because you possess them yourself."  Powerful!  It was then that I truly realized what greatness was and that it was present in me.  Through this revelation and eventually acceptance is how I learned what greatness was and that yes, it was in me and a part of me and that I could choose to accept it and live in it each day.  I could also start to see it in others and as a result encourage them to live fearlessly in their greatness as well!

So, it is now that I encourage you to see the greatness in you.  To make that journey from your head to your heart and to listen.  The message of greatness in your heart is there and it will not steer you in the wrong direction, it will instead guide you to where you should be. It will speak to you your greatness, your fearlessness and lead you to a life of fullness!   As I have done this, it is truly amazing the things that have occurred in my life over the past year.  Yes, I will be honest and tell you that there are days I doubt myself and have to dig deep and sometimes be reminded of what I already know, but those times are getting to be less frequent and the reset to greatness easier.  It is when I allow myself to see and accept what is in me that I can be calm and move through life with confidence. 

Listen...what is your heart saying?

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