Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mud Pit or Mud Spa

So I recently have let myself get bogged down in mud!  My head has had a heyday with me(I let it) telling me I am not capable of presenting at a summit I am attending at the end of this month.  I also have allowed myself to feed the fear of all I have accomplished this past year is going to diminish and I will end up back where I was. Now I know in my heart that none of this is true, but I tried to silence my head and wade in the mud for a few days-becuase we all know it made me feel better-NOT! I even went as far as to make a list of all the things I felt I was not worhty or capable of so I could wallow a little deeper!  I was sure that everything I had written down was true and felt I could prove it-I even had pictures.

So as I sat in my friend's offcie with the purpose of working on my presentation I brought out the list like a kid with a painting they want hung on the fridge!  There was no way I thought she could dispute it, I had back up statements, and like I said pictures!  So I read it to her and you know what happened next-she laughed and said you know better!  One by one she disputed everything I had written-and I argued back-determined to win! She went as far as to call it my s&*t list!  So she asked for it, I brought out the big guns and asked her with certainty what would so & so do! (I was asking her about the founder of the Nurtured Heart Approach ).  Here was her reply, he would say "get out of the mud!"  Not the answer I expected, after all everything I listed I had irrefutable evidence on-or did I?!?

I had allowed myself to became mired in the mud of negativity, of I can't, I am not, I will not... versus I am capable, I have worth, I am greatness.  She then took my list and rewrote all the negative into positive and had me read it in 1st person-very hard to do!  But as I did-not willingly mind you, I started to feel a shift take place.  As I started to see, hear, recognize my greatness once again out loud, my head could not dispute what was being said and my heart was energized.

I discovered once again it really os that simple.  All I neeeded to do in reality was hot the RESET button of my heart and remeber what is true about me that what I do is not my greatness but who i am is!  I have since read the rewrite of that list several times and each time I am energized even more into my heart and mu greatness! 

Here is the best part of all of this...the circumstances did not change-but I did.  I went back deep into my heart, into my gratness and with determination made the mud pit a mud spa!  What a difference, I was able to feel amazing the entire day and even share with others what it means to live in your greatness!

So I challenge you...mud pit or mud spa...it really is your choice and the outcome when you choose the spa is amazing!

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