Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Heart to Heart Transactions

Words...they are pretty powerful and can either build up or tear down a person.  Think about your interactions with people today.  Your significant other, your children, co-workers, the person at the store and so on.  When you spoke to these individuals, where did the words come from?  Were they just noise to fill a space, or did you engage? 

I have come to learn in the past year to make my interactions with others from the heart.  I have a friend that almost everytime we have a conversation be it face to face, text, messaging there is a heart interaction. Not that we are deep and serious all the time as we do like to joke around and have fun, however, when we engage in conversation our hearts engage as well. 

There was a time in my life that my heart did not engage in anything, it was closed off and protected.  As a result of this I distanced myself from others so I would not have to feel, to trust.  I got to the point of pretty much not talking to anybody or letting them in.  At the insistance of a friend I started to see a counselor.  I figured that I would go a few times and hear the same old thing, just a different person...I was wrong!  At the very first meeting there was something different, I did not understand but wanted more.  As the weeks and months went by I discovered what it was, this person was not telling me what to do with head knowledge of what she had learned, but rather was speaking to me from what she knew to be true in her heart.

What an exeperience.  At times it was overwhelming as my heart was scared to engage.  However in time, there was what I call an "infusion of life" a heart to heart transaction that left me full and wanting more. In fact, I would leave each session brimming with life and found myself having heart to heart transactions with those I came in contact with each day.

Now a year later, I have learned to  live and speak to others with what I know to be true in my heart.  I don't just say words with no energy behind them, but rather interact with my heart so that what I say to others infuses life into them.  I engage in conversation versus just having one to fill space.  I am not perfect and am still learning as we all are.  Life is a journey, not a destination and learning and growing each day is part of the journey.

So, how are you engaging others?  When you speak is it from your heart or your head?  I challenge you to listen to your heart, to engage its energy and when you do there will be a heart to heart transaction.  How will you know if this is happening?  Your heart will guide you, listen to it, it will show you the way.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's All About Perspective

PERSPECTIVE.  This is a word that has been following me the last few weeks.  What does this word really mean?  One of the dictionary definitions is "A mental view or outlook."  It is this definition that has had me thinking about life a great deal lately.

I am a single mom, I work full time, I have two teenagers and I try to take care of myself by exercising regularly...whew!  I could throw in the towel and say I can't do this anymore which is where I was just about a year ago...then I discovered the message of GREATNESS and how perspective plays a part in it.

A friend of my regularly tells me life it what you make it.  Either life can happen to you or you can make it happen.  Many times when things don't go the way we want them to or how we expect we want to look for all the reasons why we should be disappointed, angry, disillusioned, but in reality we have at that very moment a choice to make - will we look at the situation from a positive or negative perspective?

I used to automatically go to the negative and feel sorry for myself and look for ways to "suck" others into my negative party in order to validate what I was feeling.  I found out though in the end, all it left me with was feeling more miserable and still having to deal with the issue.

Over the past month or so I have chosen to go to the positive more times than not.  Yes, this has not been easy and I have more than once gotten "stuck in the mud" and needed help out, but I have noticed than when I make the so called "mud pit" into a "mud spa" incredible things happen.

An example of this is my job.  I have been quite challenged over the last several months as my role at work changed.  At first I chose to look at it as a negative, as a "demotion".  Even though I know in my heart it was not,  I chose not to listen.   As I slowly came around and shut down the voice in my head and listened to my heart my perspective changed.  I started moving in my greatness versus waiting for my greatness to be recognized.  I went to work every day with a positive attitude and decided that I would not allow things to just happen but I would make things happen.  My perspective went from negative to postive.  I had a couple of setbacks and found myself slipping into negative, but the voice of the heart when you are listening is loud and clear and I would reset and be back into the positive.

Amazingly, things started happening.  I was able to do more, communicate better and not fall into the negativity of others.  My manager noticed and started giving me more projects to do and my job is slowly shifting back in many ways to what it was and what I loved doing...or is it just my perspective?

How you choose to live life is contagious be it negative or positive.  I really think that my shift to the positive and moving in my greatness is what has made my job different and has been noticed.  People would much rather be around and trust a positive person than a negative one.  They would rather go with you to the "mud spa" rather than the mud pit!

So, what perspective do you have on life?  Are you living in the negtive or postive?  Are you mired down in the pit or refreshed at the spa?  It really is your choice and the perspective you choose will make all the difference.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Having a Heart Tune Up

So as I have discovered this past year what living fearlessly and in your greatness is all about it has challenged me to look at life differently.  I have had to look at the things I found my identity in from a fresh perspective. 

One of the areas in my life that has pushed me to the limit lately is my job.  I have always looked at my job as who I am, what I contribute, my worth.  Even as I made the journey from my head to my heart and discovered my greatness and how to live fearlessly, I still held on to an "old piece" of me with the security of my job.  Well, recently my role at work changed and my mentor has moved on to a different department and I suddenly found myself floundering and being challenged how much of the greatness message do I really believe about myself.

As all the changes at work took place I admit I did not readily accept them.  In fact, I fought them (within myself) and used a phrase I hate "it's not fair." Over a period of three or more weeks I did nothing but negative self talk and put all my energy into what was being "done" to me versus looking at the opportunity to grow and apply all I have learned.  By the end of this time I was filled with anxiety, with hopelessness, with anger. In fact, I was about ready to give up, but then...

In the midst of this I decided I was "stuck"and felt I could not pull myself out of it so I met with a friend to talk it out.  As I sat in her office and listed out all the things that were wrong (negative) she added a word to the list I hate VICTIMIZATION.  As soon as she said this I cringed and even got a little angry.  Because of my background of being abused the word victim does not set well with me-she knows this!  But here she was telling me I was allowing myself to be victimized!  Everything in me wanted to shout, to fight back and say she was wrong.

I was looking for a "poor Laurie" you have the right to your feelings, yet I was being challenged to look at it another way.  I wanted to think I had relapsed, I really hadn't grown, (I wanted her to validate this) yet in reality I was allowing myself to be a victim.

As I let this set in, I realized she was right.  I had allowed old feelings, behaviors to take over and moved out of my heart.  As I made the move back into my heart the victim role I had placed myself in became crystal clear and I did not like what I saw.  I had made my job my life, thus when things went wrong I figured my life was wrong as well. But, my life is what I make it and my job is just my job! 

So was I going to live in my greatness or was I going to allow my circumstances have control?  I choose GREATNESS!  You see, there is no other way to live. As I allowed my heart to be challenged, to have a "tune up" I saw the truth that this was just another opportunity to live fearlessly!  As I went back to work and in the days that followed I shifted, and it was amazing how my perspective shifted as well.  With it came the peace, the confidence, the fearlessness I have learned to live in.  I approached everything differently and the negativity disappeared.

I was reminded that greatness is not a passing feeling, a moment in your life that will come and go, but is really at the very core of who you are.  We are going to have curve balls thrown at us in life, but how we choose to deal with them is totally up to us.

So, are you going to live in your heart and allow what you know to be true to take you through the challenging times or are you going to allow your negative thoughts to have control?  I allowed the negativity and in the process discovered the heart and my greatness is a much better place to be.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Reset...Just Do It

Lately there have been a lot of opportunities in my life that have tried to move me from my heart into my head.  Changes at work, a challenging relationship, my two teenage girls, long hours, etc.  All of these things if I would allow them to could take me down a familiar path on which I traveled for many years, one that led to despair, hopelessness, fear, anger, and such.  However, this past year I have been given a weapon of sorts in the form of a five letter word - RESET!

When I first head this word everything in me challenged it as I wanted to keep listening to the voice in my head that justified all my feelings, my behaviors.  My friend who would use this word when she saw me going down the wrong path at times would infuriate me!  After all, look what was being said, what was being done, how I was being treated. Yet she would persistently say RESET and eventually I would come around and start looking at things differently.  This little word has great power!  It is likened to the rudder on a ship that is very small but can cause an entire ship to change direction and get back on course.

I have come to realize that I have the control over what I give power to in my life.  Changes at work I can choose to look at as opportunites for something new.  That challenging relationship a chance to make peace within myself and move on.  Even when my two teenagers are going at it with each other or with me I can choose to participate or not.

This word RESET is powerful as it provides a way to see things differently.  Not to run or hide from life's challenges, but to embrace them and learn and grow and not let the WMD's (worry, misery, doubt) have any place in your life.  As I recently was told, worrying about the "why" when it is not evident can be exhausting.  Instead we can embrace the changes, the challenges and manifest a positive outcome, we can RESET!

So what is it in life that is challenging you?  What is causing you to engage the WMD's versus disengaging them?  Would you embrace what is going on, realize that it does not have power unless you give it power and RESET?

I assure you, once this word becomes part of your vocabulary, clarity will accomapny it and life will take on new meaning.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The 100% Challenge - How Do You See Yourself?

This week I was challenged to love everything about myself 100%, quite the challenge and all throughout the week I kept on going back to this idea.  What does this really mean?  I posed the question "does anyone ever really love themselves 100%?"and was given the answer it is to each person's interpretation. In addition I was asked where I was a year ago and where I am today.  So I began to look at my life and my journey over the 10 months and made some interesting discoveries.

First of all I discovered that even on the worst of days I no longer beat myself up wih negativity.  Instead I filter my thoughts, feelings and actions through my heart and my greatness and am able to be calm and make choices that are positive to both myself and others.  I can now recognize that there are only certain things within my control, everything else I have learned to let go and not let govern my life. This 100% is that I now trust myself and no longer see myself as a "mess" which used to be one of my favories lines about myself!  

The next 100% discovery was that I now LIVE life. I used to rely on my job to give me self worth as that is the only place I truly felt I contributed and that I was capable.  However, on the journey from my head to my heart, I realized that life is worth living and is made up of WONDERFUL things!  I love and appreciate my children more than ever before. I now have a strong support system of friends with whom I can be myself at all times and who I have let into my heart and love and trust them.  I am doing things and making/reaching goals that I thought to be impossible. A friend teases me about my energy, but truth be told I love giving 100% to life everyday, and am learing to pace myself in a healthy way!

The hardest discovery I made this week with the 100% challenge is how I see myself in the mirror.  Even though I have had an eventful year of losing almost 100lbs, I have see very different image  than most people see.  I have a couple of friends who look great and are very fit and I choose from time to time to run/hike with them.  I have felt very inadequate at times as I have attempted to keep up or push myself to their level.  However this week I discovered that I am good enough.  When I was challenged with the 100% I knew in my heart this was the area that it hit home.  So this week I said thank you to everyone who complimented me with no dialogue of what I still need to do.  I ran with my friends and accepted when I was told how much better I have gotten and did not challenge it or compare myself to them. I am not them, I am me and what I can do is amazing!  In all this I discovered that I CAN love myself in this area 100% as well.

So what is it about yourself that you do not love 100%?  Where were you a year ago?  What changes have you made that are positive?  Truth be told, you are most likely much closer to 100% than you think you are.  I discovered I was and it is an amazing feeling.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Why Do I...? Taking the Next Step Fearlessly

On this journey to greatness I have asked the question from time to time "Why do I...?  I mostly ask this when I see myself as failing at something, when I do not feel fearless, when my greatness seems to have faded away.  Yet in reality, it is a question I ask when there is another step to take and I am not sure I can do it.

I am in the beginning process of this right now as I prepare to take on one of the most difficult realtionships in my life.  I know it is time because I my heart says it is and also says I can do it.  A trusted friend has encouraged me by letting me know I have never been more ready-I do believe her when she says this as she has been with me every step of my journey thus far!  Lastly, I know in order for me to move forward in what I am called to do I need to complete this chapter, this last leg of my journey, so I can take the next step to the adventure yet to come, of what I feel called to do!

However I still ask the question "why do I...?  It is though I want some amazing answer to appear that will give me the right moment, the right words and the perfect response, yet I know that this is not going to happen.  The real question I should be asking is this, "How do I see myself?"  This question will reveal my fearlessness, my greatness, my ability to follow my heart even in a difficult situation.  As I go into this HEART FIRST (not listening to my head) seeing myself as strong, as a brave fearless warrior, then I will come out even stonger.  It will put to the test all I have learned in the past nine months and yet I KNOW I am ready even though it will not be easy.

It is in this that my journey to greatness, fearlessness, and courage will truly shine through.  A friend often tells me I have determination, clarity, traits I never thought I had until recently.  But it is these traits that will carry me through and allow me to speak from my heart, my passion, from fearlessness.  I know that at the end of it I will truly be able to stand in the greatness that is in me because I will no longer give power to this person to defeat me.

You see the journey to greatness is not an egotistical one, but rather recognizing who you are and the destiny that is meant for you.  By giving another person the power to take this from you - and yes they do not have this power unless you give it to them - you cannot fulfill the greatness that is in you.  This is not how I want to live.  Even though I try to live my life in my greatness each day, I no longer want to hear or give power to the voice in my head that says I am less than (the voice of this person), but rather the one in my heart that says I am fearless!

So what is keeping you from your next step on your journey to greatness?  How do you see yourself? Will you listen to your heart or your head?  I believe your heart has the anwser...what about you?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

What Is Your Greatness?

So this week I was asked the question, "What is your greatness?"  I felt uncomfortable with the question as I at the moment it was asked could not answer with a defining statement.  I have since thought about this question, even as I was faced with a challenge this week that pushed me to the very edge of my belief in myself and what I am capable of.

So what is my greatness?  Let me start by saying that is is much more than a feeling or a fleeting awareness, it goes way deep to the very core of who I am, of what is in my heart.  You see, I have spent a good portion of my life with great ideas and wanting to do so much such as writing a book, traveling, being in a relationship that is fulfilling and brings out the best in me as I would him...thus far none of this has happened.  However, I believe with everything that is in me that all of these things are just over the horizon and closer than I know. 

What does this have to do with my greatness?  EVERYTHING.  I now have a clarity of vision like never before.  I believe in who I am and what I have to offer.  I see that the gifts I have been given such as writing are to be used to help others, the traveling will coincide with this. The relationship I desire to have I am now ready for, as I was not a year ago and would have run as fast as I could to avoid sharing my heart with anyone.

As I thought about all these things this week it brought me to the answer to the question of what my greatness is and it is this...I have worth, I have value, I am NOT disposable.  I spent the better part of my life not believing any of this.  But now I do, and this clarity is my greatness because it brings me back to my heart and who I really am and what I am capable of.  It gently reminds me each day that I am someone.

The challenge I was faced with this week was with my job and how I have let it define me as it was the anchor I held on to during my darkest moments in the past year.  Even through this journey and how much I have changed and the new life I live, my job held a defining place in me and it was where I got my worth.  Then suddenly, without warning it was taken away.  I still have a job, but the work I was doing has changed, and with it how I defined myself.  When I was asked the question "what is your greatness" and I had to dig deep to figure out what really defined me and realized that it was not my job, but instead what I carry in my heart, my worth, my value, my belief myself.  With or without my job, these things remain true.  Who I am is not decided by an external source but rather by my heart, and from my heart comes my greatness.

So I ask you, what is your greatness?  What is it you are holding on to that you are allowing to define you?  If it is not from your heart, examine it and let it go as it is fleeting while the things of the heart are not.  Once you see what is within you, your greatness will emerge and the life you desire to live with be set on course.  I know mine has.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Courage - Give it all You Got

Courage.  What kind of thoughts does this word conjure up in you?  The dictionary definition is as follows: "the ability to do something that you know is difficult or dangerous."  I love this because when you start on the journey to finding your greatness, to learning to live fearlessly you are venturing out to an unknown and at times it can be difficult and dangerous as it will shatter all the negative things you have thought about yourself.

I remember at the start of my journey I would be called brave, fearless and all I could think of was "yeah right!" At first did not believe a word that was being said to me.  I would listen, understand with my head and leave my session at times shaking my haed in unbelief that I was ever going to change. My mantra to myself was "Me - greatness, me-fearless, me-brave, who am I kidding!"

But then this concept was introduced...courage.  I understood this word in the face of adversity, of something that made me afraid, of taking a chance, but in my journey from my head to my heart...that did not require courage, or did it?

I discovered that by allowing my heart to be where I went daily to face life, to make decisions, to TRUST, I had to have courage.  I had shut my heart off for over 15 years to keep people out, to protect myself, to be safe, yet here I was being asked to open it and this took ALL the courage I could come up with.  This was asking me to do something difficult-allow myself to feel and something dangerous-allow others in.

As I ventured out into this unknown I discovered a me that had been dormant for many years.  The negative talk I had believed about myself began to be replaced with all the things about me that were great, were fearless, that made me brave and this time I believed it.  It is here that courage within me rose up as I allowed myself to feel fully and to let others in my life without reservation. 

So courage is what I desire others to experience as they discover who they truly are.  The path to greatness, to fearlessness, to one that is filled with life.  By taking the first step you have courage, by continuing you are fierce in that courage! Trust me, you will find out just how brave you are, and along the way how amazing as well!


Monday, September 3, 2012

FEAR...It Is Not Your Destiny

FEAR...this is a word that can be paralyzing to your hopes, your dreams, your future.  As I thought about fear this weekend and how debilitaing it can be I thought about the following statement "Don't let fear dictate your destiny...instead, be fearless and discover your greatness and all that you were meant to be!" 

I lived many years believing lies that others told me about myself, about my abilities, about my limitations, my lack, my brokeness, and all these things led me down a path of fear.  The fear was so overpowering that I did not allow myself to live, to feel, to allow others in my life, to recognize my greatness and instead went deeper and deeper into a pit.

When I was at the beginning of my journey to learning to live in my heart, I was asked to describe where I saw myself.  The picture I gave was that I was in a deep, dark pit with no way out, the walls were slick and I could not climb out.  It was here that I thought I thought I was stuck.  But as I discovered my way into my heart, the fear that was so crippling left, the pit became illuminated and I discovered that there were ropes all around it to allow me to climb out.  The names on the ropes were fearlessness, greatness, hope, bravery, courage and when I allowed myself to leave my head and live in my heart these things became real in my life.

So what does it take to get past fear and to not allow it to have a hold on your life?  The answer is already in you.  It is the very greatness you were born with, it is the path into your heart.  I implore you, take the trip from your head and all the lies you have been told, that you believe and instead make your way to your heart, it holds the truth about the real you.  This is a journey that will change the way you live from now on.  It is a journey that at times will be painful, but the pain is then replaced with peace, with greatness, with fearlessness.  You can become a brave fearless warrior!  Everytime I am called this, the greatness within me rises to another level, not because of the words but because I believe them and as you journey from your head to your heart you will too!

You ask how? You already know the answer. I know, this is hard to hear isn't it?  You are thinking-no I don't, if I did why would I ask? I  understand as a friend of mine always tells me this when I ask how, and I used to hate when she did it, but now appreciate the value in it as it causes me to listen. You see, the answer is already in your heart...LISTEN, it is speaking to your now.  Turn off the voice in your head that says no you can't and listen to your heart that says yes you can. You were born with greatness, with fearlessness and it is still there, in your heart, waiting to bring you back to what you can be.  LISTEN...if you do your life will change. You will become a brave fearless warrior - in fact, you already are!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Living Your Best Life

So I normally don't write two days in a row but this is burning within me so here goes! 

Are you living your best life?  Do you have passion?  Do you know your purpose?  Do you listen to the thoughts in you head that say you are inadequate?  These are all questions that 8 months ago I would not have been able to answer with anything but hopelessness, but now I can answer with knowing who I am and the greatness that is within me!

Getting up each day and knowing who you are and finding greatness in all you do is liberating!  This is not a "pie in the sky" feeling that comes and goes, this is a deep rooted belief system that comes naturally in everything you do. 

We all have bad days, have things that happen to us that are unexpected, things that go left when we want them to go right...however our response to these situations is what tells what kind of life you are living.  I used to get overwhelmed with the smallest of things that did not go my way or people who I allowed to have power over me.  I would sit in my counselor's office and tell her about how I couldn't do certain things, how I was powerless, how I was broken and I really believed with my head all these things to be true.  She would energize me by telling me about my greatness and how fearless I was, about how brave I was and I would believe her and leave feeling it, but within a few days the feeling would be gone. 

I started to wonder if I would ever change..then something amazing happened, one day I left my head and took up residence in my heart!  I know this sounds silly, what does that mean exactly, how do you live in your heart, isn't that just being emotional?  My answer is a resounding no!  It means that you discover the you that has been there all along.  We get so side tracked with life that we forget who we are.  We forget that greatness is in us and has always been. But I am here to tell you that when you discover this truth something happens that is nothing short of AMAZING!  You start to live, you have a fresh perspective on EVERYTHING!  The positive takes over and it seems that in spite of yourself you find greatness in everyday life.  Does negativity try to creep in, yes it does and you can choose to let it have a place as I did last week, however, it doesn't last long as what you know to be true in your heart is much more powerful!

Most days I am so full that I can't help but "spill over!"  I share this message in small and big ways everyday and I must say that it is energizing watching others discover greatness within themselves.  This is not a come and go trend, but is something that when it gets grounded in you you become FEARLESS in all you do!  You will live life without wondering what you are missing, but instead knowing you have purpose and passion.  The words "I can't" leave your vocabulary and the words "I am fearless" become part of your daily life.

My hope and desire for you is that you find greatness within-as it is already there!  Find a counselor who believes this (look up counselors who are trained in the  Nurtured Heart Approach) and have them start to speak greatness to you. Sorrund yurself with positivity.  Look deep within yourself to your heart listen to what is it saying. Tune out the negative voices in your head.  Evict fear, worry, misery, doubt from your life.  Just these small changes will start you on your journey to greatness.  Believe me when I say you will start living like you never have before, I know I have.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Evict Fear and Discover Greatness

Living FEARLESSLY, discovering your GREATNESS, what is this really all about anyway? What makes living this way so special and how can it change your life? Isn't just figuring things out as you go along an okay way to live? Well, yes if you just want to be okay, but what if you discovered a way to live with passion, with purpose, with anticipation, wouldn't you want that more?!?

You see, I once lived in a "giant" apartment building in my head where every apartment was occupied by fear, doubt, worry, misery...you get the picture. I thought that the few times a year I had hope was all there was because I was renting out all the space in my head to negativity. Since so much time was taken up keeping the "apartments" occupied, I never took the time to check out the space in my heart which is where fearlessness, hope, passion, greatness lived.  Then I was introduced to the message of GREATNESS!

As time went on I discovered how to take back the power and "evict" all the residents  in my head and move down into my heart.  I refused to give power to fear and chose to walk away from the negative things and people in my life who "sucked" life out of me.  That did not mean I did not have to face the fear, it just means as I went through all the stuff that got me there to begin with I was able to replace it with FEARLESSNESS(courage) and discover and accept the GREATNESS that had always been within me but had been overshadowed. I began to really live life unlike any way I ever had before.

Yet I would have to say what is the most amazing thing about this life is this - you get to help others discover it too!  I experience this almost daily as I share this message, however, nothing compares to when you get to help your chidren discover this about themselves. Tonight I got to watch my teeenage daughter move from hopelesness, fear, discouragement to hope, fearlessness and passion.  I listened to her with my heart and helped her to move into her GREATNESS - what a wonderful thing to experience!

So, what is it in your life that is keeping you from discovering the GREATNESS within?  How has fear taken up residency in you life?  How can you help yourself and then in turn others discover GREATNESS and FEARLESSNESS?  I challenge you to look within yourself, get help if needed and discover this life of GREATNESS!  It is already in you just waiting to be unleashed. Evict the occupants in you head and make the move to your heart-I promise, you will not regret it!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Negativity Versus Greatness-It's Your Choice

Something interesting happened this week that showed me just how much the GREATNESS message has rooted itself within me - I got sick!  Now that may not seem like such a big deal, but as a result of this I was forced out of a routine I have had for the last several months and I allowed it to throw me off and my response at first was not good.

Getting sick put me out of balance as I could not get up and workout and I also felt physically drained  so I allowed my day to slowly fill up with negativity.  In addition, I made a new friend and am helping them discover their GREATNESS and it scared me as I did not feel qualified and so I gave power to fear!

It was these two things combined that caused me to feel quite overwhelmed and I stopped listening to my heart and camped in my head over a period of three days with the breaking point coming on Wednesday.   As I sat in the presence of my two friends on Wednesday morning and starting "spewing" negativity I was challenged to start moving from my head to my heart, to remember who I was, to be FEARLESS and a shift began to take place and within 90 minutes and a calmness swept over me. 

In the midst of this shift I realized that GREATNESS does not come and go, it is ALWAYS there,  I choose to live it or not.  Here is what is so amazing by what happened- my friend who is discovering her GREATNESS saw it in action as she watched me shift back from my head to my heart and to speak from within and what I know to be true. She was inspired by my behavior as she saw GREATNESS within overcome fear, anxiety, doubt and be replaced with FEARLESSNESS. She now has a reference point to remember when she feels overwhelmed. 

Funny, but even in the midst of negativity-we can choose to have a positive impact or not.  It was through all of this I learned that the message of GREATNESS in grounded in me. I am FEARLESS because I shifted back. I no longer stay in that negative place, I know how to find my way back to GREATNESS and in doing so can inspire others to do the same.

So, what will you choose on those days when negativity looks so inviting that you just want to wallow in it for a while and ignore the GREATNESS within.  As someone shared with me, it can be either a mud pit that mires you down or a mud spa that invigorates you to change!  I would rather have the spa, wouldn't you?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Living With Expectancy

This week has been one of the most amazing weeks I have had in a long time!  What makes it so is NOTHING special has happened. It has been the same routine of getting kids to school and me to work, but every day thus far I have greeted the day with expectancy of what is going to happen!  I have been lsitening to my heart all week, looking for that out of the ordinary moment, wondering what was going to happen next, but nothing extraordinary has...or has it? 

I realized today, that living life with expentancy raises your level of GREATNESS a notch or two!  As a result of this, I have had some of the most amazing converations with people this week about my journey to GREATNESS and how it feels to live this way.  Nothing, and I mean nothing beats when someone walks up to you and says, you are not the same person you used to be, you are so happy!  This is my open door to share my message about GREATNESS and how everyone has it and how they can live fearlessly as well. 

All over Facebook this week there have been qutoes about how your life should be inspiring.  About how your life is your message.  I have found this to be true.  This week, all I did was get up each day and expect something GREAT to happen, and it did.  I have been able to share GREATNESS with many people who have known me before I discovered it within myself and now that I have discoverd it they want to know what happened.

Don't ever underestimate the influence you have on another as it is powerful!  Tomorrow when you get up and go about your day, do so with expectancy of what can happen as you walk tall in your GREATNESS!  You will be amazed at how many others you will touch.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

What Is Your Message

Today I heard the following...your "mess" becomes your message (Terry Crist, Pastor City of Grace Church).  This is a powerful statement as we all have a message to share as we learn and discover who we are and the greatness within us. 
I remember as I started my journey I would use the phrase "I am a mess" quite often and my friend would consistently remind me how far I had come and what I had learned and what I was doing to move forward. As time went on, I stopped saying that I was a mess and started to believe that I was fearless instead and it was when this transition took place that my "mess" became my "message."
This is where I am now, sharing the message of GREATNESS as I have come to understand it and as it flows from my heart.  I have been humbled the past few days as I have received such positive feedback from this blog and how it has touched the lives of those who are beginning or in the midst of discovery of their own greatness.  It has caused me to see the importance of the impact our lives have on another.  15 years ago I lost a good friend to cancer, and yet to this day the impact she had on my life is still present, I still think on things she told me, showed me with her life.
We have a responsibility to share our message of hope, of greatness, of fearlessness.  Too often we focus on the negative of what has happened to us, of what we feel powerless to change, of the things that overwhelm us.  But, truth be told we ALL have a message to share.  One of change, positivity, hope, GREATNESS!  It can be the small step we took yesterday, or the huge strides we have made over a period of time, neither is of any less importance as both offer hope.  What will your message be and who will you share it with?

Friday, August 10, 2012

What Do You Believe

As I think about greatness tonight, I am reminded how important it is to believe that you have it within you and not just talk the talk.  When you are around those people in your life (and we all have them) that seem to "suck" life right out of you, it is important to remember who you are.  It is one thing to talk about your greatness, about living in your heart, about not listening to the voice in your head saying you are less than you are.  However, if this is not firmly rooted in your heart, all of these things get lost and you fall back into the negative pattern you had before you discovered the greatness within.

It is one thing to use the "language" of greatness, and this is one of the ways it takes root in your heart, but it is quite another thing to believe it so deeply that is does not get lost in the chaos of the negative life of another.

I discovered about myself tonight that this has taken root in my heart.  As my head screamed to "flee" that I was not capable of the chaotic, negative relationship before me, I was able to reset and remind myself through the language of my heart that in spite of what another thinks, I  believe that I have greatness within, whether it is recognized by them or not.  This is the first time on my journey I have not come away feeling so overwhelmed that I forgot who I was and what I have learned.  Don't get me wrong, I also discovered a few more things I need to work on, but overall, I was able to stay in my heart and celebrate who I am without acknowledgement from them.

So, I ask you, what or who is it in your life that is keeping you from the next step to greatness on your journey.  What steps do you need to take to reset and think differently, not only about yourself, but about the situation or person that you allow to rob you of your greatness.  I have been told often in the past few months that I am in control of my actions, that no one has the control unless I give it to them, tonight I discovered that to be true.

Greatness is not a feeling, it is a part of the very core of who you are, NO ONE has the power to take it from you unless you allow them to.  With every heartbeat, greatness flows, don't forget this as it is  this truth will ground you in your belief in who you are.  Greatness is not an option, you were born with it, we all were.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Recognizing Greatness

I wrote earlier about the commercials on greatness during the Olympics and here I am again as I cannot get one phrase out of mind mind and have been pondering it for several days.  The phrase is as follows, "GREATNESS is no more unique to us than breathing, we are all capable of it, ALL of us."  Think about this for a moment.  We all breathe in and out each day without even thinking about it, we do not have to tell ourselves to do this is is a natural reflex to stay alive.  Yet, we have to convince ourselves of the greatness that we are all born with.  We downplay our accomplishments (I am guilty of this). We allow life to get in the way of acheiving all we are capable of and look at others and say to ourselves about their acheivements, that they are special, they have more talent, but in reality, we have the same amount of specialness and talent as the next person.

I belong to on online workout group.  It was started as a challenge to motivate each other to work out and to be healthy, but what has happenened is far more than that, as part of what we do is post something amazing about ourselves each day.  This is a group of people, most who have never met each other cheering each other on and pouring out encouragement, belief in acheivements and goals.  This is GREATNESS! We not only recognize it in ourselves each day (sometimes this is harder than the workout we do), but we recognize it in others.  What is sad about our society today is that we do not recognize the day in and day out accomplishments of others.  We are good at noticing the big acheivements, but what about the daily effort we all put forth.  The breathing in and out if you will.  For some, and I have been here, the biggest thing they do that day will be to get out of bed and face the world fearlessly.  In addition, how about recognizing what you do each day to acheive greatness.  This is not being boastful, but rather accepting and believing in what you are capable of each day of accepting and acknowledging your greatness.

We all have something to offer not only to ourselves but to others each day.  How will you show and accept the greatness in you, and how will you reflect another's greatness back to them?  Do not even think about it, just do it in the same way that you breathe each day, effortlessly.  This is not an intellectual function.  What you say and do will not come from your head, but from your heart, your inner most being.  Follow your heart and the rest will follow. YOU HAVE GREATNESS!  Believe it, I do.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Going through the Motions

Today I learned from my daughter an important lesson.  She shared with me the following " What you're feeling isn't as important as what you're doing."  This is such wisdom and when she shared it with me it was full of conviction.  So many times we base our actions on what we feel that day, what our head is telling us, versus what we know in our hearts to be true.  We forget that our actions have a huge impact on others, we can either build up or tear down another simply by what we do.

 As I went throughout the rest of my day, this statement kept coming to mind and I became very aware of my actions.  Words, while powerful as shared in my previous post can also be empty.  I may share that I see greatness in you, but is there passion behind the words, can you "see" that I believe in you or am I just saying the "right" thing, but it is hollow.  Feeling and doing are what I call partner words -just as fear and courage are.  You can be feeling many things such as fear, anger, doubt, but what are you doing with each of these, is the fear becoming courage, anger becoming grace, doubt becoming victory?

When I tell someone of their greatness do I just use the words I have learned or do I draw them in by the actions of my life?  We must live our lives with conviction, with passion, with purpose, because it is through this that our feelings no longer dominate, but our "doing" is what makes the difference.

Over the next few days, live your life by doing versus feeling.  Become aware of your actions - do they line up with your words or you going through motions without passion. Living a life of greatness is one that is lived with purpose because you are living in your heart.

So again, think on these words "What yor're feeling isn't as important as what you're doing."  What are you doing today?

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Who Are You Listening to

How powerful is the spoken word?  On the road to greatness I have discovered that when you have someone who believes in you it makes the journey that much easier.  We all have a voice in our head that sometimes wants to yell so loud that it tries to drown out everything.  But when you are pursuing your greatness this voice is silenced by the one in your heart that is even louder.  However, even though this may be true most of the time, every once in a while the head wins…this is where having that one or two people in your life that speak the language of greatness is so important.
People will tell you a lot of things in an effort to help you “fix” whatever you seem to think is wrong with you that day.  However, the person in your life who speaks the language of greatness will not try to “fix” you but will show you the path that leads to your heart and belief in yourself. I know this to be true because I have a friend like this.  I cannot remember a time when I have come to her with something I say I can’t do, that it has not been has been turned into an I will, I can, I believe.  As a result, I have accomplished things in the past 6 months that I would have only dreamed possible (or impossible) before.

So, what is keeping you from listening to your heart?  Who is that person in your life who believes in you and can speak the language of greatness, not to “fix” you (you are NOT broken) but to show you what you are capable of and to cultivate greatness in you?  The words that are spoken to us are powerful, even the ones we say to ourselves.  I challenge you to get up each day for the next week and start out your day by telling yourself you are fearless, you are capable, you have greatness.  Also to find a person who will reflect these things back to you and who will help you reset when you allow the WMD’s (worry, misery and doubt) to take over.  I guarantee, you will begin to believe things possible about yourself that will amaze you and change your life.  Once this takes root in you, pass it on to another, then the fun begins!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Awakening Your Greatness

I have been deeply touched this past week by a series of commercials has been airing during the Olympics on greatness.  We have a tendency to look at these athletes as greater than us, the same way we may look at celebrities, or those in powerful positions.  But what makes them any different than you or me?  I believe that we were all born with the same amount of greatness in us and through the course of life we forget that it is there.  We may have come from a dysfunctional family, struggled in school, not successful in sports, or in our minds at anything.  But the truth is regardless of all of these things there is an ember of greatness within each of us that is just waiting to be fanned into a flame. 

I have lived life on both sides of this coin.  When I was younger I believed that I could do anything in spite of coming from an emotionally and sexually abusive home. I lived in my heart and pursued things that others were afraid to – I moved in my greatness.  But as I entered into a dysfunctional relationship and the shadows of my childhood rose up and swallowed me I took the elevator from my heart up to my head and put an “out of order” sign on it and stayed there for many years, afraid to feel.
Then I was reminded of the message of greatness once again, and that little spark in me started to glow.  I was reminded that I was not “broken” that I had purpose, that I was fearless, that I was brave.  As these words were spoken to me my heart came to life and the spark turned into a flame.  The journey at times was rough and many tears were shed and at times I did not want to believe, but greatness when unleashed is a force that can overcome all fear, all doubt and bring to life the person you were meant to be.
So, what is it that can fan that ember of greatness in you to become a flame?  What are you listening to in your head that is keeping you from your heart?  You are NOT broken.  You have the same amount of greatness in you as the next person.  It is there waiting for you to discover it as I discovered it.  Listen to your heart it is speaking to you- what is it saying?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The beginning of the journey

Throughout the last 8 months I have taken the journey from my head to my heart. The beliefs that I had of I should not, I could not and I was incapable and useless were replaced with I am fearless, I am brave, I have greatness and I am capable. While this is only eighteen inches in reality, you may feel you are on a long journey that will never end, but rest assured, it will change your life forever. In fact, it is on this journey that you will discover how to truly live as I did , how to be fearless, to find your greatness, to discover all you are and what you are capable of. While it can be intimidating at first if you take this step you will be transformed. What is stopping you? What is the fear? I encourage you to be fearless, to take the first step to wholeness...you will see, your greatness will come through and you will learn to be brave.