Saturday, September 15, 2012

What Is Your Greatness?

So this week I was asked the question, "What is your greatness?"  I felt uncomfortable with the question as I at the moment it was asked could not answer with a defining statement.  I have since thought about this question, even as I was faced with a challenge this week that pushed me to the very edge of my belief in myself and what I am capable of.

So what is my greatness?  Let me start by saying that is is much more than a feeling or a fleeting awareness, it goes way deep to the very core of who I am, of what is in my heart.  You see, I have spent a good portion of my life with great ideas and wanting to do so much such as writing a book, traveling, being in a relationship that is fulfilling and brings out the best in me as I would him...thus far none of this has happened.  However, I believe with everything that is in me that all of these things are just over the horizon and closer than I know. 

What does this have to do with my greatness?  EVERYTHING.  I now have a clarity of vision like never before.  I believe in who I am and what I have to offer.  I see that the gifts I have been given such as writing are to be used to help others, the traveling will coincide with this. The relationship I desire to have I am now ready for, as I was not a year ago and would have run as fast as I could to avoid sharing my heart with anyone.

As I thought about all these things this week it brought me to the answer to the question of what my greatness is and it is this...I have worth, I have value, I am NOT disposable.  I spent the better part of my life not believing any of this.  But now I do, and this clarity is my greatness because it brings me back to my heart and who I really am and what I am capable of.  It gently reminds me each day that I am someone.

The challenge I was faced with this week was with my job and how I have let it define me as it was the anchor I held on to during my darkest moments in the past year.  Even through this journey and how much I have changed and the new life I live, my job held a defining place in me and it was where I got my worth.  Then suddenly, without warning it was taken away.  I still have a job, but the work I was doing has changed, and with it how I defined myself.  When I was asked the question "what is your greatness" and I had to dig deep to figure out what really defined me and realized that it was not my job, but instead what I carry in my heart, my worth, my value, my belief myself.  With or without my job, these things remain true.  Who I am is not decided by an external source but rather by my heart, and from my heart comes my greatness.

So I ask you, what is your greatness?  What is it you are holding on to that you are allowing to define you?  If it is not from your heart, examine it and let it go as it is fleeting while the things of the heart are not.  Once you see what is within you, your greatness will emerge and the life you desire to live with be set on course.  I know mine has.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THIS! I think you just provided the words I needed but couldn't find them (once again!)
