Monday, August 6, 2012

Going through the Motions

Today I learned from my daughter an important lesson.  She shared with me the following " What you're feeling isn't as important as what you're doing."  This is such wisdom and when she shared it with me it was full of conviction.  So many times we base our actions on what we feel that day, what our head is telling us, versus what we know in our hearts to be true.  We forget that our actions have a huge impact on others, we can either build up or tear down another simply by what we do.

 As I went throughout the rest of my day, this statement kept coming to mind and I became very aware of my actions.  Words, while powerful as shared in my previous post can also be empty.  I may share that I see greatness in you, but is there passion behind the words, can you "see" that I believe in you or am I just saying the "right" thing, but it is hollow.  Feeling and doing are what I call partner words -just as fear and courage are.  You can be feeling many things such as fear, anger, doubt, but what are you doing with each of these, is the fear becoming courage, anger becoming grace, doubt becoming victory?

When I tell someone of their greatness do I just use the words I have learned or do I draw them in by the actions of my life?  We must live our lives with conviction, with passion, with purpose, because it is through this that our feelings no longer dominate, but our "doing" is what makes the difference.

Over the next few days, live your life by doing versus feeling.  Become aware of your actions - do they line up with your words or you going through motions without passion. Living a life of greatness is one that is lived with purpose because you are living in your heart.

So again, think on these words "What yor're feeling isn't as important as what you're doing."  What are you doing today?

1 comment:

  1. I remember a quote that our actions are like the last page of a book reading backwards into our hearts.
