Saturday, May 30, 2015

Launching - The Next Phase of the Journey

So I have successfully raised two daughters as a single parent into adulthood.  It has been a challenging, but rewarding 19 years and wouldn't change it for anything as I experience great joy in watching them become amazing young women.  However, now as that phase of my life is done, it is time for me to figure out what it it that I am to do next.

A word that a friend of mine has been using to describe this time in my life is LAUNCH.  My girls are launching into adulthood and I am launching into a life without children.  What does this look like?  The definition of launch is to propel forward, to set into motion, to enter energetically, to make a start.  So I ask myself - what do I want to launch into?

I have been at my current job for 16 years and it has helped me pay for all the necessities of life. is it my calling, most definitely not!  So what is?  I have been on a "heart journey" for the past several years in discovering healing and who I am from the inside out.  I have learned what it means to listen to my heart as I navigate through life.  I know that anything tried by the heart is possible, so where is my heart leading?  What is my passion, where do I get my deepest satisfaction, my peace, my joy?  I know the answer,but am I brave enough to launch into it? Am I fearless enough to venture into this next phase of my life energetically?  These are questions that I am asking myself regularly as I look deep within myself to start fulfilling the dreams within me that I have had for along time.

As I sit here writing this blog, I am at the precipice of launching, of setting into motion the next phase and that is to share my journey.  I have been told numerous times in the past several years that I should write a book.  In fact, this blog was started at the suggestion of a friend to chronicle my journey to draw from later for the said book.  I have started this project more than once with no success,  I have delved into my past (not fun) thinking that is where I start, it is not.  I have pulled excerpts from this blog, but with no coherence so scrapped that as well.  It is through these efforts that I have come to realize that I need to get my head out of the writing and to listen to and follow my heart.

So here I go, I am going to follow my heart and make a start.  I am going to "listen" as I write each word.  I have shared from my heart in a conference setting twice with success and both times I just followed my heart in sharing what I have walked through with raw honesty and vulnerability.  So it is with this same spirit that I will sit at my laptop and share my story in hopes that what I have learned in discovering my greatness and learning to live life wholeheartedly will help others to do the same.  As I write I will also share here how it is going and what I am learning along the way.

Welcome to my journey.  I hope you enjoy the ride.

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