A couple of weeks ago I made the decision to step in up a notch in my life and to live intentionally. I have been on the "18 inch journey" now since December 2011 and have seen dramatic changes in my life, both in how I approach life and how I look, but I questioned at times, was I applying all I have learned?
As I asked myself this question and pondered it in my heart for several days, some interesting things happened. Quite by chance the opportunity arose to share pieces of my journey with several people. As they listened what intrigued me most was their response that I seemed happy. While this was nice to hear, it was what they followed up with that hit home to my heart...they retracted the "happy statement" and instead said, that it was not happy, but more than that, it was a positive energy, one that could be felt, touched. This is when it hit home in my heart, that my life, my everyday living in my greatness, of filtering life through my heart versus my head was impacting others.
It was in this place of realization that I knew that all the work I have done has finally taken taken root and my life-normal day to day life (nothing dramatic) was an example of what living in your greatness, living intentionally was all about. At this time, I also came to understand that was time to pass the torch in a manner of speaking.
The passing of the torch has come about in that I have been approached by people who have watched me from afar via social media, some for quite some time and others more recently. They have seen what has taken place in me, and have now approached me ready to start their own journey. The same statement is made to me over and over, they "feel" the positive energy, see the changes and want it for their own life. It is in these conversations that I know that living my life intentionally is making the choice I have spoken about many times throughout the course of this blog to filter life through your heart-no matter what happens, and to know your greatness and who you are each day.
I like to say that through all of this that I have no setbacks and that each day is "perfect", but I would be lying! This way of life, of living is not some magic potion I take each morning, some magic words I say, but rather making the conscious decision to know who I am, in recognizing my own greatness, and then to recognize the same in others. Living intentionally is just that-having intention and following through with what you know to be true. That when you stumble and make a decision to react, to reset yourself and start over. Is it failure, no, not in any way, it is just part of the journey. The true joy comes when I get to share this with others who are seeking and to watch as they discover their greatness.
So what is next? This is the question that is now in my heart. I am sure that I am called to share my journey with others in several ways, a book, presenting in person, and maybe even in a one on one setting. I do not know the how or when, but I know that this is what I am supposed to do. The exciting part will be to watch as the next year unfolds and to see where this "18 inch journey" takes me next!
<3 this. It is who you ate and the energy is palpable.