So what does it mean to see greatness daily? It is easy to see greatness when you are doing something big and accomplish it. Or, you set a goal and acheive it. But what about when it is just the daily stuff life is made up of, work, school, family, bills, friendships, chores, etc. How do you find greatness in just everyday ordinary life?
As I have been on an amazing journey the last year and a half or so it seems that all of life was BIG and constant change was taking place be it weight loss, a new discovery about myself as I learned to live from my heart, a period of building new friendships, and I was on all cylinders all the time, so greatness was easier to recognize. But, what about when you come to a place where you are "settled in?" Not to say that growth is not still taking place, as we never should stop learning or growing, but the intensity that was dominant for many months is not there, what do you do then?
This is where I find myself lately and to be honest it has been an adjustment. I know how to live in my heart now and when I find myself not doing so, how to get back. The friendships that were being formed over the last year are solid and secure. The intense period of growth is now not as instense so that "high" of constant learning is not always present. Through this I am learning I think more than ever to trust that everything that has taken place is real and was not just a phase, but is now a lifestyle. I have recognized over the last few weeks that I do not need someone to tell me about how fearless I am, that I have greatness because I know within my heart that I do and I just need to recognize it within myself.
I have a friend that notices things all around her and sees greatness where others may miss it. I have been with her many times and she has pointed out things going on around us and that I may have missed otherwise. This is what I call "the art of seeing greatness." What does this mean? Well to me it means noticing all the "small" things that go on around us each day. It can be a turtle warming in the sun, an act of kindness taking place, a word or phrase that was said in conversation with a friend, a sunrise/sunset while walking outside, a discovery you make about yourself, or an obstacle you encounter and get through, all these things remind us of the greatness within ourselves and others.
It is in the everyday living of life that you can be reminded of who you are, of the greatness within you, of how fearlessly you live your life if you allow yourself to see it. This is the phase I am now in, of learning to trust myself and all that I have leanred. To see, know, and be confident of the greatness in me. To know that I have made the "18 inch" journey from head to heart and do so daily. Is this challenging, sometimes more so than the period of intense growth, but is it worth it, more than I have words to express. It is here that I have truly discovered and am discovering what I am made of, that the greatness that has been in me all my life is an active part of my life and not based on what I am feeling, it just is. It is also here that I have realized that I do not need the reassurance from another to know I have greatness. Not to say that I do not have friends that recognize greatness in me and tell me because I do and it feeds my soul, and I still love being called "fearless warrior" now and then as well. However, it is not the constant "need" that it was as I can recognize greatness and fearlessness within myself.
So it is with this that I challenge you and myself to the "art of seeing greatness" within yourself and around you. Trust your heart and what you know within to be true that you are fealress and greatness prevails with you. It is here that another level of growth will take place.
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