Saturday, July 20, 2013

On Being Fearless..

So anyone who knows me at all knows that probably my favorite word this last year has been the word FEARLESS. When I started my journey, this is the word that was used most often as I learned to step out into my greatness and make life happen.   As I was challenged to move from my head to my heart my friend would constantly tell me I was FEARLESS!   In time, I began to believe it myself and it became the word I would go to when I doubted myself.

To further this belief in how fearless I was, I was given a "fearless gem" like the one above to carry in my pocket as a reminder that I was fearless when I was feeeling overwhelmed or that I could not do something.  Soon, this gem was not needed as I let this notion of being fearless get into my heart!  This belief that because of the greatness in me, I could do anything I set my heart too.  I could move forward and make life happen, it was really my choice!

So you may ask, what does being fearless really mean?!?  Well, here is the definition I love the most " to be bold, brave, unafraid"  To me personally to be fearless means the following "that you have the courage to smile and hope on the darkest of days. That the WMD's (worry, misery, doubt) have no hold on your life that you can resolutely move through your day with courage that you can accomplish anything.I have fiound this to be true on many days that I thought I could not move one more step forward, but at the end of the day, realized I did

So where am I today?  Well, I am still on the journey, I choose to live fearlessly each day (some days more than others)  and allow myself to realize that this is a journey that allows for constant growth!  When I think I have failed, I remind myself of my greatness, remember that I am fearless, and move on - not looking back, but moving forward.

Being fearless is not magic, it is a lifestyle of courage.  Knowing that you are greater than anything that comes your way!  How will you choose to be fearless today?

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